
Ovrian T-shirt

Oh my, it's an Ovro T-shirt! Familiar serpentine logo in stylish red on black, with "Some Place Else" on the back. Officially put: "High quality print on black shirt, deep red on front, white on back." The shirt costs 15 € and is a quality product - this has been tried and tested by the Some Place Else staff.

There are still some available at the Some Place Else shop, hop over and order yours before it's too late!

Clicke-ty click on the shirt to order (and to see both front and back).

Ovro Buttons

Somewhere in the Some Place Else shop vaults there are a few odd specimens of a rare thing still lurking - Ovro buttons. These are hand-made and as they weren't too fun to make, there aren't many around. When you're ordering an Ovro album (or several) from the Some Place Else shop, try asking the shop keeper to include a button in your order.